Would Great if they styling for invoicing

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    Jason Gillespie
    Post count: 78

    Would Great if the Styling for Invoicing Pulled From Theme Style.

    That leads to my question.

    What’s the best way to style to the invoicing buttons and links?

    Below is where I’ve customized my theme.

    Design -> Scripts -> Custom styles

    Or do we move style sheet to child theme directory?

    Another reason I ask. I already have a ton of new inline style just for my theme….

    I’m using Supreme Theme



    Stiofan O’Connor
    Site Admin
    Post count: 22956

    Hi Jason,

    The way emails work its not possible to pull styles from the theme.

    I have assigned this to the dev who developed the email system to see if there is an easy way to add custom styles.




    Jason Gillespie
    Post count: 78

    Thank you, let me know. Would like to get this knocked out pretty soon. Most importantly, I would like to style buttons and link. They are blue and gold. My website is red.

    Thank you again for your time Stiofan


    Jason Gillespie
    Post count: 78

    I know this isn’t the proper way, but I’m trying to get a website launched. Going to directly edit /plugins/invoicing/assets/css for time being. I’ll save a back up of original state.

    That’s my only option, right?


    Post count: 7069

    Hi Jason,

    To customize email template you can add style in email template wpinv-email-styles.php file.
    You need to copy the file \wp-content\plugins\invoicing\emails\wpinv-email-styles.php and paste at location \wp-content\themes\YOUR-THEME\invoicing\emails\wpinv-email-styles.php

    Now you can add\update style in wpinv-email-styles.php file which you moved under theme directory.

    Let us know.



    Jason Gillespie
    Post count: 78
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Jason Gillespie
    Post count: 78

    Yeah…… this is really frustrating. Im deleting invoicing plugin f this cant be fixed by today. Im done. I’ve spent too much time on this project. There should be a way to match invoices to website.

    Make it almost to the end and cant match invoices to website. I’ve now spent 2 days on this.

    Cant afford any more time on this project.


    Jason Gillespie
    Post count: 78

    Is there an alternative I can use? To many problems with this invoicing plugin. I don’t need vat. I don’t need unused scripts and css slowing down website. And I cant change the colors of buttons or links.

    That’s enough for me to start looking in other places.


    Jason Gillespie
    Post count: 78

    Is there another plugin I can use that’s compatible with Geodirectory?

    Or I do I have to totally give up?

    Wasting time is noooooooooo fun???????????

    This has been a TOTAL Nightmare!


    Jason Gillespie
    Post count: 78

    Kiran, I’ve looked through wpinv-email-styles.php probably about a 100 times. Can’t seam to find what I need there.

    I think that’s the email template, right?

    I need access to invoices, see attached image above.

    Again, Firefox says I need to edit invoice.css and invoice-front.css. When I edit or create like you mentioned. It doesn’t work.

    I’m above and beyond FRUSTRATED at this point.


    Jason Gillespie
    Post count: 78
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Post count: 7069

    Hi Jason,

    Sorry for inconvenience!
    We are trying to make our Invoicing plugin more and more customer friendly by implementing things after getting response from them.

    We have added tasks:
    – To do not load JS scripts on non-invoicing pages (https://github.com/AyeCode/invoicing/issues/156)
    – Add option to manage styles on frontend invoice page (https://github.com/AyeCode/invoicing/issues/158)

    These tasks will be implemented in future release.

    Mean while you can manage style for the invoice via following code snippet:

    function _wpi_custom_invoice_custom_style( $invoice ) {
    .wpinv-wrap a {
        color: #ed6d62;
    .wpinv-wrap a:hover,
    .wpinv-wrap a:visited:hover,
    .wpinv-wrap a:focus,
    .wpinv-wrap a:active {
        color: #e84739;
    	text-decoration: none;
    add_action( 'wpinv_invoice_print_head', '_wpi_custom_invoice_custom_style', 10, 1 );
    add_action( 'wpinv_invalid_invoice_head', '_wpi_custom_invoice_custom_style', 10, 1 );



    Jason Gillespie
    Post count: 78


    Thank you that worked Great! So… I was beating a dead horse trying to change the CSS. Thank you for taking the time to figure that out for me.

    I added the CSS for the my history button in with that function also. Worked fine.

    Thank you again

    I wasn’t aware this invoicing plugin was so new.


    Jason Gillespie
    Post count: 78
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Post count: 7069

    Thanks for letting us know 🙂

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