Ignore the last message! There has been a renewal this morning which has renewed the expiry date on the WP admin and sent me a copy of the invoice too. It still does not say on the PayPal payment which listing it is for, just the package they have paid for but as long as it sends me the renewal email too it doesn’t matter too much so for the time being it seems sorted!
Just one additional question to see if there is a way to resolve something that still happened on the old system. When it auto-renews a listing, is there a way to update the published date automatically to the date of renewal. i.e the listing that renewed today changed expiry etc but still shows publishing date as last years renewal so it doesn’t bump them to the top. If someone auto manually renews it updates the publication date but not if done automatically with a subscription payment. Is there any setting or change that makes it possible to update the published date too so it doesn’t have to be done manually to bring the, back to the top of the listings and marked as ‘new’?
If anything changes with any future payments ill let you know!