Standard Paypal not working

This topic contains 6 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Guust 6 years, 1 month ago.

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    Free User
    Post count: 131

    Hi guys,

    1. When I try to purchase a subscription on our site, everything is fine up until the point where Paypal should be processing the payment.
    Instead I get an errormessage, see attachment. “We are sorry, things appear not to be working…”
    Go back to sellers site. When the customer then clicks Return to sellers site another error message shows up on our GD site: “Your transaction failed, please try again or contact site support.”
    The worst part is that the invoice is not sent and the customer can’t go back to the listing either and is completely stuck.

    2. Secondly we did process a payment in October and it shows as successful in the invoice list. When I checked the Paypal account today it actually processed $0 instead of $159.
    See attachement.
    There is clearly something wrong with the info Paypal gets from our GD/ Invoicing site.
    As far as I am aware I did not set any Trials etc.
    The only reason why the first year payment is lower than subsequent years is that I gave the customer a discount code, but surely that’s not the reason?

    How can I fix these settings?



    Free User
    Post count: 131
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    Post count: 29970

    Paypal will show a $0 item for the creating of the recurring package with a note “created”, and the $159 should be a separate transaction on the same day with a note “completed”.

    I did a test and cannot find a problem …



    Post count: 29970
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    Post count: 29970
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    Free User
    Post count: 131

    Hi Guust,
    Thanks so much!
    I did not use my own Paypal so its strange that this works now, but thank you for your test anyways.
    I have refunded the money this afternoon, apologies about the hassle.

    I will follow up the error with the funds not being taken with Paypal for the $159. Perhaps this was just a one-off incident.

    Thank you for your help!


    Post count: 29970

    You’re welcome, and thanks 🙂

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