Hi Joecam,
The first name, address, city, state and country fields are required when the tax is enabled else it will work fine based on fields settings. So if you want to disable it then you can disable by putting the following code in your current theme’s functions.php file:
add_filter('wpinv_checkout_required_fields', 'wpinv_checkout_required_fields_cb', 10, 1);
function wpinv_checkout_required_fields_cb($required_fields){
unset($required_fields['first_name']); //first name not required
unset($required_fields['address']); //address not required
unset($required_fields['city']); //city not required
unset($required_fields['state']); //state not required
unset($required_fields['country']); //country not required
return $required_fields;
Please note: Some gateways may require this info when tax enabled. Also for tax calculation, it is required to have city, state, address or country fields.
Let me know if any query.