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    laurence anthony
    Post count: 293

    I may be confused here. When using Geodirectory, and a listing is about to expire 10/09/18 , the customer went through the renewal process but didn’t finish processing the payment. Their expiration changed to 10/04/19.

    Is there a setting that will unpublish the listing if the invoice isn’t paid with a given time frame? or is this a manual tracking process?

    Also, If they had made payment, they would’ve lost 5 days. Is that proper?

    any guidance is appreciated…


    Post count: 29970

    Is there a setting that will unpublish the listing if the invoice isn’t paid with a given time frame?
    The GD Pricing Manager has a setting “Enable expiry process?”.
    Every price package has a setting to “Expire, Downgrade to”.

    Also, If they had made payment, they would’ve lost 5 days. Is that proper?
    That would not happen with recurring packages, but that is indeed how it works for the moment.
    You can delay sending expiry notices by changing the timing in the GD Pricing Manager Notifications.
    I think that in the new GD Pricing Manager version, this behavior may be changing.

    I will get the developers to confirm my answer. Thanks


    Post count: 7069


    If listing upgraded to another package then new expire date will be counted from today (payment date).
    If listing is renewed with same package then it will add remaining days to new expire date. Ex: 5 days remaining days to expire and if listing renewed for 30 days then new expire will be 30 + 5 = 35 days from today



    laurence anthony
    Post count: 293

    Yea expiration has been working fine. But when a customer goes through the renewal process but doesn’t submit the payment, their expiration is advanced 1 year and the payment is pending. If the payment isn’t received, and their expiration is extended 1year, will the system unpublish the listing for unpaid invoices?


    Post count: 7069


    If customer left the renewal process without completing the payment then listing already should be unpublished. It only publishes the listing after payment received.

    Please provide admin credentials if this not happening on your site.



    laurence anthony
    Post count: 293

    Well, I’m referring to a listing that is already published and about to expire.
    A customer went through the renewal process, but stopped at payment.
    Their listing expiration was extended 1 year and the invoice shows pending. Their listing remained published.
    In this case, the listing should be auto-unpublished if invoice is not paid within given time?


    Post count: 7069


    I have tested on my test site:
    – Created one listing (with 365 days plan) which expires on 2018-10-15 (5 days left)
    – From listing page clicked on “Renew Listing”
    – Clicked on “Review Your Listing” and it goes to preview page
    – From preview page clicked on “Checkout to Renew Now” and it goes to checkout page
    – I have submitted Invoice
    Now what i see
    Invoice status = pending
    Listing Status = publish
    Expire Date = 2018-10-15 (5 days left)

    So until invoice marked paid the listing expire date will be 2018-10-15. It will be extended only after invoice marked paid.
    Now i have marked invoice as paid and expire date extended 365 + 5 from today.

    Let us know if this not happening on your site.



    laurence anthony
    Post count: 293
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    laurence anthony
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    laurence anthony
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    laurence anthony
    Post count: 293
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    Post count: 7069


    Thanks for providing credentials.

    I have tested by creating one test listing with Non-Profit Member package and done payment via sandbox account. Listing expire date was set 2019-10-17.
    Now i manually set expire date to 2018-10-21 to test renew listing. Then i clicked renew listing link from front end and followed checkout process. Now as expected the listing shows status “pending”.

    One thing if packages are auto renewal then no need to renew it again.

    Let us know.


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