Remove unwanted Items from Invoicing

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Guust 4 years, 11 months ago.

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    [email protected]
    Post count: 82

    In Invoicing, I’m trying to remove two Items that I created when first testing GeoDirectory. Custom ID 3 and ID 6.

    However the select boxes are greyed out and I there is no ‘bin’ option when I hover over the name of the title.

    See screengrab – I’ve renamed all the Items that I need to keep with (keep) after the title. The other two don’t have (keep) afterwards and I’d like to remove them as they were just test ones I set up and won’t be using now.

    Is this possible and how?




    Post count: 29970

    That means they are GD Price Packages. You will need to delete them in the GD settings.


    [email protected]
    Post count: 82

    Hi Guust, I checked this first before contacting you. See screenshots. I checked in GD > CPT and I see two post types: gd_place and gd_event. If I go into these then gd_event has two packages and gc_place had four. This is from where I edited all their names with (keep) so I could better idenitfy them in Items.

    There are two Items (packages) that are unaccounted for: Full Profile, Free Listing.

    Where else should I be checking



    Post count: 29970

    They are GD packages. Did you have another GD CPT that you deleted?


    [email protected]
    Post count: 82

    Yes, I created a CPT that I since deleted.

    Where can I remove the packages associated with this?


    Post count: 29970

    You have to make sure you delete data before deleting the CPT.
    You will have to delete in the database, but if you are not sure how, it will be safer to leave it.

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