Hello, we’re very interested in your product. Before we buy we would like to see if it will meet our specific requirements. We need to do the following and in this order:
– Allow visitors to the site to fill out a donation form (personal details, custom donation amount, and credit card details). We currently have a Gravity Form here: https://heartcrydev.wpengine.com/donate. We would want to keep a form like this.
– After the user fills out the form, a WPInvoicing transaction is automatically made on the page via PayPal Payments Pro, using WPInvoicing to manage that. If the payment is successful, then a paid receipt (or paid invoice) is sent to the donor.
– If the transaction was recurring, each recurring successful PayPal Payment Pro payment should trigger WPInvoicing to send another Paid receipt.
– If a payment is unsuccessful, they are notified via the Invoice system.
– If the user wants to cancel their recurring payment, they have access to do so.
Are these events possible with your plugin and addons? I see the Gravity Form addon, and I see the PayPal Payments Pro addon.
Please advise if you think your products can meet our needs or not.