collect company info even when not required

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Kiran 7 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #1072

    Post count: 63


    I would need the earlier discussed feature what has been put as task for the developers.
    The original info was at the end of this topic:

    So, i would need to hide the VAT number validation completely, no button, no script, no message, but having the Company Name and VAT number field displayed and used on the invoices and records.

    I dont see any development on this feature yet, but i would need this functionality to be able to open my site.



    Post count: 7069


    We are implementing new features based on priority, we have some useful tasks which have higher priority then this feature.

    BTW you can use following code snippet to display & save company info even after disabled.

    function _wpi_custom_checkout_company_info_display_fields( $billing_details ) {
        global $wpinv_euvat;
        if ( ! empty( $wpinv_euvat ) && ! $wpinv_euvat->allow_vat_rules() ) {
            $tax_label = __( $wpinv_euvat->get_vat_name(), 'invoicing' );
            $company_mandatory = false; // Company name mandatory?
            $vat_number_mandatory = false; // Vat number mandatory?
            <p class="wpi-cart-field wpi-col2 wpi-colf">
                <label for="wpinv_company" class="wpi-label"><?php _e( 'Company Name', 'invoicing' );?><?php if ( $company_mandatory ) { echo '<span class="wpi-required">*</span>'; } ?></label>
                echo wpinv_html_text( array(
                        'id'            => 'wpinv_company_custom',
                        'name'          => 'wpinv_company_custom',
                        'value'         => $billing_details['company'],
                        'class'         => 'wpi-input form-control',
                        'placeholder'   => __( 'Company name', 'invoicing' ),
                        'required'      => $company_mandatory,
                    ) );
            <p class="wpi-cart-field wpi-col2 wpi-coll">
                <label for="wpinv_vat_number_custom" class="wpi-label"><?php echo wp_sprintf( __( '%s number', 'invoicing' ), $tax_label ); ?><?php if ( $vat_number_mandatory ) { echo '<span class="wpi-required">*</span>'; } ?></label>
                echo wpinv_html_text( array(
                        'id'            => 'wpinv_vat_number_custom',
                        'name'          => 'wpinv_vat_number_custom',
                        'value'         => $billing_details['vat_number'],
                        'class'         => 'wpi-input form-control',
                        'placeholder'   => wp_sprintf( __( '%s number', 'invoicing' ), $tax_label ),
                        'required'      => $vat_number_mandatory,
                    ) );
    add_action( 'wpinv_checkout_billing_fields_first', '_wpi_custom_checkout_company_info_display_fields', 10, 1 ); // Display at top
    //add_action( 'wpinv_checkout_billing_fields_last', '_wpi_custom_checkout_company_info_display_fields', 10, 1 ); // Display at bottom
    function _wpi_custom_checkout_company_info_set_fields() {
        global $wpinv_euvat;
        if ( isset( $_POST['wpinv_company_custom'] ) && isset( $_POST['wpinv_vat_number_custom'] ) && ! empty( $wpinv_euvat ) && ! $wpinv_euvat->allow_vat_rules() ) {
            $_POST['wpinv_company'] = $_POST['wpinv_company_custom'];
            $_POST['wpinv_vat_number'] = $_POST['wpinv_vat_number_custom'];
    add_action( 'wpinv_pre_process_checkout', '_wpi_custom_checkout_company_info_set_fields', 10 );
    function _wpi_custom_checkout_company_info_save_fields( $post, $user_info, $valid_data ) {
        global $wpinv_euvat, $wpi_cart;
        if ( isset( $post['wpinv_company_custom'] ) && isset( $post['wpinv_vat_number_custom'] ) && ! empty( $wpinv_euvat ) && ! empty( $wpi_cart ) && ! $wpinv_euvat->allow_vat_rules() ) {
            $wpi_cart->set( 'company', $post['wpinv_company_custom'] );
            $wpi_cart->set( 'vat_number', $post['wpinv_vat_number_custom'] );
    add_action( 'wpinv_checkout_before_gateway', '_wpi_custom_checkout_company_info_save_fields', 10, 3 );

    Let us know.



    Post count: 63

    Thank you Kiran, will check soon and will give you a feedback how it goes.


    Post count: 63

    Hi Kiran,

    As a confirmation, I would like to let you know your code works well. With the code I was able to get the functionality I was looking for with a small tweak to fine tune to my needs.

    Thank you again, and I guess with this code anybody can achieve the same result so maybe not so important to implement this feature in your code anymore, but i give it to your consideration.

    Thanks again,


    Post count: 7069

    Thanks for letting us know 🙂

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