Hi, after doing a lot of reading in your manual re. pricing manager and UserWP I was not able to find the right solution for the following idea.
One of the main goals of our website (www.globaldutchies.nl) is not only to have members publish their (paid) listing (accommodation) but also to build a community and with that community contribute to charity.
On the website you can be 2 types of members
1. member with accommodation listing
2. member without accommodation listing but able to book with accommodations of members with listing.
(if you are not a member, you are not able to book an accommodation.)
The idea is to have all new members, either with or without listing, before or at the same moment of registration as a member to have them pay 2 euro for a charity. Once received the payment (via paypal in our account), we will accept their membership. (After 3 months all contributions will be transferred to the charity, so no need to have the payment directly go to the charity)
What would be the best way to make this happen. Or would we need a premium plugin to make this happen?
(The idea is also to use the buddy press, but I have it deactivated right now, as for not mix up things with the login process)
Thanks for your help and advice