Ninja forms2.0.2


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Ninja forms

Create a ninja form with a template called Create Invoice/Quote with required mapping fields.

Go to the Emails and Actions tab of the form and enable Create Invoice or Quote action.

Click on the settings icon to map the fields and select the type of Invoice or Quote that you want to create and then publish the form.

Email is the required field for creating an invoice/quote.

When a user requests a quote or invoice from the ninja form, the admin can add items to the quote or invoice later and send it to the user for payments.

If the email address submitted in the form is not already linked to any customers/users then this addon will automatically create a new customer with this email.


Initial Setup

Once you have above plugins installed and activated, you need to create a form with the following fields and map them in the ninja form feed page.

**Required Fields**

* Customer Email

**Optional Fields**

You can also use the following optional fields to get more data for the invoice or quote:

* Customer Name
* Customer First Name
* Customer Last Name
* Website
* Business Name
* Address
* City
* Country
* Zip Code
* Phone Number
* Description
* Items

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