Contact form 72.0.3

Allow your visitors to request a Quote or an Invoice through a “Contact Form 7” form.
Create a form with the desired mapping fields. Select the form type “invoice/quote” from the GetPaid tab and use a shortcode to display the form anywhere on your website.
The admin can later add items to the quote or invoice and send it to the user for acceptance or directly for payments.
There is a field for the predefined items, so when the user requests a quote or invoice those items will be automatically added to the generated quote or invoice.
If the email address submitted in the form is not already linked to any customers/users, then this add-on will automatically create a new customer with this email.
This add-on will not send any notification for a quote or invoice created. It depends on the Contact Form 7 notifications settings.
- GetPaid Plugin (free)
- GetPaid Quote Add-on (free)
- Contact Form 7 Plugin (free)
Initial Setup
Once you have these plugins installed and activated, you need to create your Quote/Invoice Request form with the following fields:
Required Fields
- wpinv_customer_email – Customer Email
Optional Fields
You can also use the following optional fields for getting more data for quote or invoice:
- wpinv_customer_name – Customer Name
- wpinv_customer_first_name – Customer First Name
- wpinv_customer_last_name – Customer Last Name
- wpinv_customer_website – Customer Website
- wpinv_customer_business – Customer Business Name
- wpinv_customer_address – Customer Address
- wpinv_customer_city – Customer City
- wpinv_customer_zip – Customer Zip Code
- wpinv_customer_phone – Customer Phone Number
- wpinv_description – Description
- wpinv_cf7_items – Items in format item_id|quantity to be added when quote/invoice created. Users can select which item/items they want to include in their quote or you can hide the field so that they buy all the items you provide.
* NOTE: the names of the fields must match exactly the examples above *
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