WP Invoicing Docs

PayPal PayFlow

Gateway Data
Frequently Asked Questions


Paypal PayFlow Payment Gateway plugin for Invoicing enables you to accept payments for invoices through the latest Paypal PayFlow features of the platform. Paypal supports a wide variety of payment methods including credits cards.

More information or to setup your account: https://paypal.com

Gateway Data


See our doc on “Installing Addons” for more information about how to install new plugins and setup automatic updates.


Test Mode

To test transactions, configure options on the gateway provider and then:

Live Mode

To go live with the gateway, configure options on the gateway provider and then:

Frequently Asked Questions

I thought PayPal Pro didn’t require an account. Why do customers need a PayPal account?

Website Payments Standard offers Recurring Payments or Subscriptions.

This service is managed/maintained by PayPal and “requires” the customer to have a PayPal Account. When the customer makes a Subscription purchase, he or she is redirected to PayPal. Once on the PayPal Screens the customer can either sign into their PayPal account, or they would pay with their credit card and during the process, create a PayPal account.